Monday, August 31, 2009

Post 2 ... How Do You Do It

I have been thinking about this a lot since the idea came to me,
and I thought I should lay down some ground rules for myself:

  1. Thou shalt listen to The Beatles at all times thou has
    control over music selection. (Which should be all the time, if I had things my way.)
  2. Thou shalt listen to The Beatles while doing other tasks that
    don’t require sound. Examples: working, driving, eating, exercising, watching
    sports, video games, blogging, reading.
  3. Thou shalt be afforded reprieve for concert attendance. (Whew ... I am seeing Sufjan Stevens twice this month.)
  4. Thou shalt be afforded reprieve if in others' vehicles, homes, and at clubs,
    but must ask them to indulge thou. (I guess I will be giving a lot of money to the jukeboxes of Columbus.)
  5. Thou shalt be afforded TV and movies in moderation.
  6. Thou shalt attempt to watch all of The Beatles movies. (I think I have procured them all.)
  7. Thou shalt attempt to read The Beatles Anthology. (That's a huge book, I mean it probably weighs ten pounds.)
  8. Thou shalt update thou's blog at least once a day.
  9. Thou shalt purchase The Beatles: Rock Band. (Man, sometimes i just love the law.)
  10. Thou shalt be honest and forthcoming with any revelations.

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