Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Post 18 ... Every Little Thing

I have been exceptionally busy at work this week and not in my office, so my listening has been greatly hindered so far this week. But I have been reading Anthology and it truly is wonderfully put together, there is just so much information in that book that it is hard to absorb at times.  Also I have found a bunch of mp3s of Beatles interviews, which are very interesting.

I am starting to paint a picture, probably a very poor one, of each of the Beatles and a bit of their personalities. It is weird maybe for people who grew up withThe Beatles, but they aren't celebrities to me, they were just amazing musicians and songwriters. So it is very interesting to piece together what they were like years later. For me, it seems as though John could be very generous and nice, but at the same time very demanding and aggressive. Paul seems to have had a bit of the little brother complex when it came to John; he seemed to have great reverence for him, but was also fraught with jealously. George seems like he was a calm person, but also seemed as though he felt like the third wheel of the songwriting duo. And Ringo comes off as a very kind person who was sometimes frustrated by his exclusion from some of the decision-making processes.

But then again, I am no psychologist. I'm just a wicked dentist.

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